Design For Diversity

We have signed the pledge 'Design For Diversity' as we understand that we need to be more transparent and reinforce the companies continued commitment to take on BAME work experience and employer's as and when the roles arise. As we are based in Hackney we have always run work experience programmes for both school leavers (through The Inspire! scheme and Hackney 100) and degree graduates from across the Country but we recognise that the industry as a whole needs to actively work to bring about a more balanced community and celebrate it's fantastic diversity. 

This 'pledge' was initiated by Kate Watson of Mad About the House and  Rukmini Patel, a British Indian interior designer, after a long conversation between the two. They had both written posts on the lack of diversity in interiors Kate Watson on how to create diversity in the interiors industry and Rukmani Patel on 4 June, two days after Blackout Tuesday. You can read Ella Doran's personal response around the death of George Floyd here.

We also recommend a brilliant article by Michelle Ogundehin in Dezeen last month 'Let's talk about race' read it here

And finally please visit Design Can as they have been championing the call for design to represent us all, to disrupt the status quo, to celebrate new voices, and to confront prejudices.


1 Visibility

We pledge that our channels – our websites, blogs and social media – will continue to include people of every colour and gender and sexuality.

2 Opportunity

We pledge to continue to seek out Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic candidates to interview for roles that arise in our businesses. We will always hire the best person for the job, but we stop short of positive discrimination and we reject tokenism.

3 Accessibility

We pledge that any events/workshops/talks that we host – be they panel discussions, workshops, private views and events – will continue to include people of all colours and genders.